the dui anatomy flowchart

Where to Begin?
For those people who don’t want to read a lot of text but would rather see a diagram explanation of the entire Mendocino County DUI process, Ryan searched the internet for a diagram which can show how it all starts, where a person arrested for DUI is in the process, and what can happen next.
He didn’t find anything adequate and decided to write his own flowchart depicting all kinds of directions which a DUI case may take, from police stop and DUI arrest to Ukiah or Fort Bragg court appearances, and from the pink temporary license to Santa Rosa DMV hearing to driving again.
Next, look at our Top 10 Questions from Everyone (and afterwards, if applicable, read the Top Questions from Non-Residents, or Minors/Parents, or Multiple Offenders).
Next, read our 10 Tips for the First 48 Hours After Arrest. Ryan's remaining DUI lawyer Tips articles on this website about "Fighting Your DUI Case," "Easing the Consequences of a DUI," and "Getting Your License Back," as well as the large DUI "Resources" sections, will become useful in the later stages of a typical Ukiah DUI case, as shown on the DUI Anatomy flowchart.
All of these information links can always easily be found at the top of each page of this Mendocino County DUI attorney website.
Arrests Prior to January 1, 2019
Our 2020 Anatomy of a Mendocino DUI flowchart is an updated discussion of issues related to DUI arrests (arrest date, not conviction date) occurring on or after January 1, 2019. For a discussion of issues related to Mendocino DUI arrests prior to 2019, click on this Pre-2019 Anatomy of a Mendocino DUI.

“I believe you were God sent because the times where I felt discouraged and felt like giving up your encouragement and support helped me to once again stand and be confident in the type of man I am and the heart that I have.” - Former Client
“One of the best experiences in my life. Professional, courteous and understanding through whole process.” - Scott J.
“If you need legal help I fully recommend them! If your looking for an experienced trial lawyer this is the team you want to hire.” - William H.